The International Passive House Standard is the only internationally recognized, proven, science-based energy standard in construction that consistently provides predicable results for comfort and climate.

The standard can be applied to any type of building, from residential to commercial, from a suburban single-family home to a downtown skyscraper. It achieves this standard with simple building forms and thicker walls which provide more insulation.

Careful design orients the building to provide a balance of free energy from the sun and a reduced need for cooling even as our climate warms.

Insulation keeps the heat in in the winter or out in the summer.
Going to the Passive House Standard reduces the risk of mold and rot caused by condensation on cold spots created by thermal bridging.
High Quality Windows with Solar Orientation
Who doesn't love free energy from the sun?

Windows are always the weak point in the envelope but having high quality windows allows that are well oriented allow for a net gain in energy.
Heat Recovery
Fresh clean filtered air provided to each room without the loss of energy from traditional exhaust systems.
Thermal Bridge Free
Thermal bridges are a significant energy loss.

They also create cold spots in the home which are uncomfortable to be near and raise the risk of mold from condensation.
Air Tight
Air tightness increases comfort from reduced drafts and smells, increases wall assembly durability and contributes to reduction of energy consumption by the mechanical systems.

Applying these principals to buildings can reduce heating and cooling energy consumption by 90%.

Buildings contribute up to 30 percent of annual global greenhouse gas emissions which largely comes from heating and cooling. To active real results buildings must made much more efficient in a low-carbon future. Doing this also results in a dramatic rise in occupant comfort from reduced drafts, cold spots and high indoor air quality.

Air Quality
Year-round stable indoor air quality, temperature and humidity reduce the risk of disease and allergies.  Many occupants of Passive homes have noted they get sick less and allergies they once struggled with are significantly reduced or eliminated. Fresh filtered air is continuously supplied by the fresh air systems in the home meaning the inside air is often cleaner than outside.  This constant supply also lowers CO2 levels which at average home levels have been shown to have negative health effects.  This constant air flow also means the homes stay at the same temperature making it much more comfortable for occupants.
Noise particularly in the inner city is a constant problem and can impact the way we sleep and levels of stress.  In several of our passive house projects the homeowners have been surprised how much they cannot hear even when living on busy streets.
Simple and Durable
While a lot of complex science goes into the planning of a Passive House they tend to be simpler buildings, the mechanical systems are easy to operate and maintain.  Carfeul consideration of other building components results in lower maintenance and higher long term durability.

When we take a look at the overall carbon footprint of a new home in BC over its lifespan it breaks down into the following categories:

Carbon Footprint of a Home

Operational Energy 83%
Materials 15%
Construction 2%
As we can see, the operational energy is the largest factor when considering the impact of housing on our environment. Only focusing on materials doesn’t take the full scope of the impact homes have.

Operational Energy Breakdown

Heating/Cooling 60%
Hot Water 20%
Auxiliary 15%
Lights 5%

We are one of North America’s Premiere Passive House Builder and Consultant

Passive House Buildings Built
Passive House Residential Units Built
Commercial Passive House Building Built
Contact Us regarding Passive House Here